

Making Travel Plans to Paris

Choosing the best time of year to visit Paris:
Deciding on the time of year you want to go to Paris is the first thing you really should do. The weather is the major topic to consider first. Paris has an average of 15 snow days a year mostly rain and damp in the winter with occasional winds and rain. The average temperature in Paris is 53 degrees the most pleasant weather of any capital in Europe.  During the summer there are very few days that the temperature gets over 85 degrees.

August is the slow month for activities. August is their holiday month and many of the attractions are closed. Paris has a skeleton staff during this month. If you want to enjoy many activities, then you may want to choose another month to visit.

Want a first class hotel while you are in Paris?  July and August are the best times to be sure of getting the deluxe room you are wanting. There are many students in Paris during July and August so getting a budget room is usually out of the question.

Remember the annual auto show is in late September and early October. The hotels are booked during this time so if you are going to see the car shows get your reservation in early.

I know everyone want to travel on holidays. Paris is not the place to plan you trip on a holiday because most everything closes. There are hardly any activities going on during the holiday seasons.

Whenever going over to another country you will need a passport. If you not French get a passport and be sure to check the expiration date on it, passports run out like coupons do.  U.S. Citizens staying less than 90 days dont need a visa. When staying longer than 90 days youll need to apply for a long-term visa, residence card, or a temporary-visa for you stay. A proof of income or means of income while in Paris and a good reason why you are applying for long-term stay is required. The U.S. State Department can give you info and guide you through the procedure when applying for your passport.

When entering France you can only take certain things and amounts with you.  In addition, when you leave France you have to be careful about what and how much you bring back with you. You can also find out about these restrictions from your state department nearest you.

Are you handicap and have special needs. Paris is better equipped to handle handicap than most cities. Most of the more modern hotels and facilities have the necessary equipment and rooms for the handicap and elderly. You should contact ahead of time to let them know what you need; or if you are going through a travel agency, they can do it for you.

Trains are even equipped for the handicap and special needs that you might have to have when traveling around Paris. The older trains have compartments for the wheelchair and guide dogs but the newer one are made with the handicap in mind.

When going to Paris it is a good idea to check with the French Government Tourist office in your area.  They can help you make all your decisions. There are different packages that a person can get to fit their budget. Travel Packages and Escorted Tour packages are different so is sure you know what you are looking for.

When deciding on your travel package it usually includes the airfare, accommodations, car rentals airport transfers even help you decide on the activities you might have in mind.

The Escorted Tour is a group of people going on the same trip together along with and escort. Everything is planned out for you from the time you leave home until you return.

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