
Taking a Shopping Trip in Paris
When shopping in Paris it can be fun. Paris not only has huge stores to shop in the country also has shopping on the streets. Paris has everything you would want to take home for the whole family to enjoy. You will notice that everyone on the streets is dressed in very high fashions. Paris is known for their stylish fashions, yet at many shopping malls the prices are affordable, making Pariss pricey fashions deceiving. Therefore, when it comes to shopping you are in fashion haven when you shop at Paris.
How to choose six of Pariss best stores: The Christian Laouboutin is one of Pariss top selling stores. The store has a fashionable display, i.e. one of its kind shoes. You will find the perfect pair of shoes that suit all your family needs.
The Emporio Armani is a great store in Paris to shop as well. The store is well known for its casual wear to custom suits. The store has four floors to shop, which it has nearly anything you could image on the shelves.
Forum des Halles is Pariss top store also. The store is known for its largest food market. The store shops are underground, which the surface is used for a parking lot.
The Galexis Lafayette is the fourth known store in Paris you may want to visit. This store is known for its beautiful stain glass dome. The store has a wide selection of cosmetics and the huge slot of perfumes is the legion fashioned in this store. Galexis has a high profile on women and men selections.
Hermes is known for its wide selection of home office and office supplies.
Its window display holds a wide selection of products that keep people coming back because they sell leather agendas and notebooks and some umbrellas. The store sells lots of hats and oh yea-riding boots too.
The last is number six and the store is called LeBonMarchThis store is known for its ancient history. The store is over 100 years old. It is the largest men and women appeal fashion store of its kind, and it has the only full menu restaurant option so you can go shopping and when you tired, you can sit down and have a full course meal before going home. Forget cooking aye!
While you are in Paris, go on a shopping trip, since you will have a ball seeing all the things the stores offer you. The stores make everything easy for you, since everything is at your fingertips.
There are many other shops to visit in Paris as well. The list in this article is just the top six shopping areas. Paris, Frances Capital has over a 100 stores in the country to shop in so you can pick which one you want and shop until you drop.
Once you are done shopping you might want to go to your hotel and just relax. Perhaps take a hot bath and enjoy the rest of the evening, then again you might want to go out on the town. What ever you decide have fun doing it.
Paris has many nightclubs you might want to go see as well. You can choose from dancing to comedy or maybe you would like to just go see the performing arts. Paris has a wide selection of museums as well. Whether you enjoy history, arts, science, etc, Paris has something for you to see. To learn more about Pariss shopping malls, diners, nightclubs, and museums check out the resources online. Paris is only a click away!
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