

Build Peace

Everyone talks about how we must build peace.  But how do you build peace?  Does peace even need to be built, or does peace grow?  What do people have in mind when they say we must build peace?  Can peace be constructed as if it were a building?  Can you build peace out of bricks and mortar?  No.  But you can build peace.

You must build peace step by step according to a well thought out plan.  You can build peace if you are conscientious workers.  You can build peace if you use the right materials.  You can build peace if you follow the plan.  You can build peace if you do as the great architects do and get everyone's input and take time developing a proper blueprint.  You can build peace if you have the will to do so.  You must have the political will to build peace.  You must have the moral will to build peace.  It takes time to build peace.  It takes great effort to build peace.  It takes a sacrifice to build peace.  But you can build peace.

As a race we can build peace worldwide.  As regions we can build peace in our hemispheres.  As countries we can build peace in our lands.  As states we can build peace in our boundaries.  As cities we can build peace in our neighborhoods.  As citizens we can build peace in our own backyards.  As families we can build peace in our homes.  And as people we can build peace in our hearts and souls.

But do we have the will necessary to build peace?  Are we ready to make the sacrifices to build peace?  Are we ready to give up some of what we's ve got build peace?  Are we willing to get off our high horses to build peace?  People will never have the necessary will to build peace until they build peace with themselves.  We do too much violence to ourselves every day to ever  really build peace.  We need so much because we are so violent with ourselves.  We think that more stuff will make us happy but it won't.  We can't even begin to think about building peace in the world because we are too busy with the futile attempt to make ourselves feel better by getting more and more.  We cannot build peace as long as so many people think that they must have so much more than others.

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