Peace Sign
The peace sign.  I think if shown this symbol almost everybody in the world would know that it was the peace sign.  It started appearing in the 1960's and has been spreading ever since.
The peace sign appears on all sorts of things.  The peace sign is put on T shirts.  The peace sign is put on cars.  The peace sign has been put on posters.  The peace sign has been put on stickers.  The peace sign has been put on patches. The peace sign has been put on wallpaper.  The peace sign has been put on hats.  The peace sign has been put on buttons.  The peace sign has become a symbol of the '60's. People don't see the peace sign for what it is any more.  The peace sign has become a logo.  The peace sign has become an ad.  The peace sign has become a bit of commercial nostalgia.
Can the peace sign ever be redeemed?  Can the peace sign ever regain any meaning?  Maybe we need a new peace sign.  Let the corporations have the old co-opted peace sign, and create a new peace sign.
The new peace sign should be licensed, and copyrighted and allowed to be used only on things that are given away free.  Otherwise the new peace sign will go the way of the old peace sign.  It will be gobbled up by the greedy corporations and turned into a product.  The new peace sign must not be allowed to become a logo.  The new peace sign must not be allowed to become  some quaint bit of nostalgia.
The new peace sign must stand for people's desire for peace.  The new peace sign must stand for people's demand for an end to war.  The new peace sign must stand for people's desire for justice for all.  Not simply justice for the privileged. The new peace sign must stand for people's demand for an end to imperialism of all kinds.  The new peace sign must stand for people's desire for an end to cultural imperialism.  The new peace sign must stand for people's desire for an end to the greedy land grabs by countries.  The new peace sign must stand for people's demand for an end to the resource stealing by greedy corporations. The new peace sign must stand for people's demand that the rich stop preying on the poor.  The new peace sign must stand for people's demand that the more developed countries stop exploiting the less developed countries.  The new peace sign must stand for the people's new attitude of zero tolerance for all forms of exploitation and oppression.  Then we will have peace.  Then the peace sign will mean something again.
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