

Photography Exhibit

Did you ever to to a photography exhibit? You go to a  photography exhibit and look at all the photos hung up in neat little lines and groups on the wall. You look at the  photography exhibit and some of the pictures in the  photography exhibit show scenes that are familiar, things that are recognizable. some of the pictures in the  photography exhibit show unfamiliar places and scenes. Some of the photos in a  photography exhibit show things that are not recognizable to you. At one photography exhibit, all the pictures make sense to you and you think you understand what is being shown and what is being said by the  photography exhibit. While at another  photography exhibit, nothing you see seems to make any sense. This  photography exhibit remains a mystery to you. What did this  photography exhibit want to express? Why was this  photography exhibit held? What did the photographer or photographers at this  photography exhibit want to express?

Sometimes, even when a photo at a  photography exhibit doesn't make any immediate sense, if you look at it long enough, the pictures begin to make some statement to you. But some photos at a  photography exhibit just never seem to come into focus. This doesn't make the photography exhibit bad, just a bit more confusing for you. You wouldn't want to have  photography exhibit you go to show things that are all the same and have every photography exhibit make immediate sense. No. A  photography exhibit should be powerful and surprising.

One of the great things about a  photography exhibit is that it can happen almost anywhere. A photography exhibit can be held in an art gallery and a museum, of course. But, photography exhibits can be held almost anywhere there is space for displaying the photography exhibit and room for people to stand and look. Some photography exhibits are events that people go to and there are some photography exhibits events that go where the people already are or will be. Photography exhibits can take place in malls. Photography exhibits can take place in supermarkets. Photography exhibits can take place in airports and train stations. Photography exhibits can take place in office building lobbies, hospital hallways and in schools. Photography exhibits can take place in restaurants. Photography exhibits can take place almost anywhere.

That is one of the great things about photography exhibits. These types of photography exhibits are a welcome surprise. The normally barren wall suddenly awash with images, scenes, faces and people. A photography exhibit can give the weary traveler something special to look at. A photography exhibit can give the busy shopper or business person a reason to pause and think. A photography exhibit can take the mind of a patient or visitor off their worries and transport them to a place of contemplation or meditation. A photography exhibit can be a great thing...

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