

Photography School

Some people just become photographers almost against their will. They just start taking photos and never stop. They have a passion for photography. They are natural born photographers. Some photographers are born and some are made. Photography schools try to make photographers. I don't know if they can be of much help to a born photographer, but they try and they can train the others at least in the science of photography if not the art.

If you want to be professional photographer then you might consider photography school. Photography school will teach you the basics of good photography. In photography school, you will study the history of photography. In photography school you will have a chance to look at and analyze all the great photos and in photography school you will learn about all the great photographers who have gone before you. In photography school, your teachers will try to instill in you at least an appreciation for great photography. In photography school, you will be exposed to it. Whether it will sink in, whether it will click with you is a whole other matter entirely.

In photography school, you will be taught the science of photography. the science of photography was once very mechanical and chemical, but the science of photography now, is electronic and digital. In a good photography school, you will be taught both, but the real world of photography has moved on from its mechanical, chemical roots and as a professional photographer, you will need the new age skills. So in photography school, you will spend a lot of time with computers. In photography school, you will spend much of your time in the digital world.

It is now longer sufficient to have a good eye and take a good picture. Everyone has a camera now. Everyone has grown up looking at great photographs. Everyone has a good eye these days. No, you will need to learn how to manipulate those photos digitally. In photography school, you will learn how to use many kinds of software because photography is not about the hardware so much anymore. Photography is about the software. In photography school, you will learn the new electronic science of photography.

In photography school, you will learn to control all the millions of bits and bytes of information that are swirling around in the digital realm. Yes, in photography school, you will learn the new science of photography. But photography school cannot teach you the art of photography. That you will have to learn for yourself. Or not...

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