

Wedding Photography

We've all been to weddings and watched them pose the bride and groom for the wedding photography. Maybe we've even been the bride and groom in those pictures. Wedding photography is such a finely honed commercial art these days. There are certain poses and scenes that you must have in your wedding photography and wedding photography isn't just still pictures anymore. No, wedding photography now includes video production. Big weddings look like media events these days.

A team of photographers and filmmakers dogging the bride and groom. Snapping and filming the action. Wedding photography creates much of the action at weddings nowadays, maybe the wedding and the reception wouldn't be much fun without the whole wedding photography circus going on. Wedding photography creates the air of excitement and importance surrounding the day's festivities. So much of what goes on a t big weddings is strictly for and about the wedding photography. It all seems a little phony to me, but who knows, maybe years later, when the wedding photography is all you have left of what was one of the most important days of your life, maybe all those staged wedding photography shots seem more real.

Maybe they look like, " Yeah, that's the way it was. We were really happy." The bride's dress was always perfectly arranged. Everyone's eyes were always open. Everyone was always smiling all day long. Maybe something important would be lost without wedding photography. The bride and groom's chance, no matter who they really are, to be the stars of a glamorous drama. The whole wedding photography production is designed to honor the bride and groom. All the attention that having the wedding photography done focuses on the bride and groom helps to make their special day even more special. Wedding photography is just a historical record of an event. No, wedding photography is part and parcel of the event.

In some cases, and at certain times during the day, it is the event. And these days, due to digital technology, it is a living part of the ongoing event all throughout the day and by the time the reception is in full swing, the wedding photography is already being displayed up on the big screen. Wedding photography is now about theater and staging and about filmmaking. And all of this wedding photography activity is crucial to the exciting and glamorous atmosphere of the wedding day itself. Without wedding photography, there would be so much less of an event and without wedding photography, there would be now record of it at all.

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