How to Prepare for Your Award Presentation Speech
There's nothing as exciting - and terrifying - as making an award presentation speech. With all eyes on you - some impressed, others critical, and a few envious - it's of the utmost importance that you do not make a mistake. While we can't read the future, there is a way to ensure that things would go your way as much as possible.
Look Good
You'll feel better if you know that people won't have anything to criticize your appearance for. One worry firmly squashed is still one worry less for your burdened mind. It would allow you to feel more confident with your speech because you know you look good.
Write Your Speech Down
Some people have the talent of winging it on the spot. Are you willing to risk and see if you're one of them or not? If you're not willing to take the risk then write your speech down. It's best to prepare it as early as possible to have enough time to revise them at will.
Start by making a list of the things you should include in your award presentation speech. Would it be your role to explain the history of the award? Would it also be your task to explain other related factors such as the criteria used for determining the winner? Are there people in the crowd that you'd have to acknowledge? Would you have to provide a brief background for each candidate?
If you're not sure about the required content for your award presentation speech, don't hesitate to ask others. It's better to verify the requirements beforehand than set yourself up for an unpleasant surprise at the big night itself.
Memorize Your Speech
There's nothing wrong about having notes with you but it would definitely make your award presentation speech more professional if you're able to complete it without glancing often at your notes. Do your best to memorize your speech. You don't need to memorize it word for word. Being able to deliver the essence of your award presentation speech is more than enough. Take note of the important ideas and its sequence to make it easier for you to remember what to say and in what order.
Have Someone Proofread Your Speech
Ask someone with excellent communication and grammar capabilities to proofread your speech. There's nothing worse than realizing you've pronounced a simple word erroneously. Ask for advice about your choice of words as well. Sometimes, one of two words of the same meaning would have more impact on the audience.
Keep It Brief
Even if you've been given the green light to speak as long as necessary, your audience would still better appreciate your award presentation speech if you can keep it short but sweet, brief but detailed.
Use Humor
Even the most serious assemblies won't find a touch of humor here and there adverse as long as you've used the right joke at the right time. Humor will also make it easier for you to connect with your audience.
Speak with the Right Tempo
Take note of commas, periods, and other punctuation marks. These are present for a reason. You should always be aware of the tempo of your speech. Don't speak too fast or slow.
Make Eye Contact
Keeping eye contact with your audience shows them you're confident about what you're saying and will consequently convince them to listen more to what you have to say.
That's it. Good luck with your award presentation speech!
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