
Using Public Domain Works For Profit
For many different niches you can find at least a dozen, profitable business ideas by searching through public domain materials. And with the public domain, it becomes a snap to take the information you require, re-package it, edit it if necessary and voila you have built the backbone of your online business (content) in no time at all.
A business is either a service or a product. And as such, there is a certain level of quality that you must adhere to in order to be successful. It is also important to build a degree of trust, and in the long run that only comes with your customers believing that you can, in essence, " over-deliver" .
You can easily use works in the public domain to increase your profitability with your own info product.  You can also use works in the public domain to save you time in creating your info product.  And, you can use works in the public domain to market your own info product (for example, use a public domain work to put together an ecourse that recommends your info product in each issue).  You can consistently jump-start your business ideas by giving them shape through the power of the public domain.
Hiring a ghostwriter can be quite expensive.  So, if you are not already a millionaire guru, what do you do? You certainly cant afford to spend $500 or more straight-up for someone to write your first product. You want something that is affordable, and allows you the chance to MAKE the money before you start spending it.
Thats where the true power of the public domain lies. You can take a ready-made product and use it for your business. Even if you want to sell it just as it is (although you might want to edit it a bit to update the writing style and put in your own information), there are many, many works lying in the public domain that are instant information products.
One such product is an eBook on card tricks that I read recently.
It is a scanned version of a card tricks book published in 1903. A quick search on http://www.wordtracker.com will tell you that this is indeed a niche product that is demand. While not a stellar niche, the idea here is to get started on a solid footing, and public domain works will help you do just that.
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