Orphan Puppies
Puppies usually become orphaned when Mom doesn't make enough milk to feed them, has a physical problem that prevents her from caring for the pups,  or has died during the birthing process.  These puppies can be raised by you if you are willing to work hard at keeping them healthy.  They will need to be seen by the vet after birth so he can start them on their feeding schedule.
You must follow a regular schedule of feedings, bathroom breaks, playing, and sleeping.  It is quite time consuming but can be a rewarding venture.  You must consider the nurturing and socialization of the pups, how to prevent diseases from arising since they are not starting out with Mom's milk, what to feed them and how to get them weaned in several weeks, and the sanitation of the area you will be keeping them.  Take all of this into consideration and decide if you will be able to give the puppies the time they require.
You will have to bottle feed or tube feed.  Bottle feeding is better for most people, because the tube could be passed into the lungs and choke the pup.  Feed the pup while on its belly not on its back.  Puppy formulas are available and are nutritionally balanced to meet your puppy's needs.  Most people use Esbilac or Puppylac.  Do not use cow or goat milk.  Do not give raw egg whites as there is an enzyme in the egg that will cause a biotin deficiency in the puppy.  Don't give the puppy honey either, it can be fatal.
Caloric intake should be as follows in calories per pound per day: Week One, they should receive 60-69. Week Two, they should receive 70-79. Week Three, they should receive 80-89 Week Four, they should receive 90-100.
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