Children Reading
There are few things more important as a parent than to get your children reading. If you start your children reading at an early age, it will become a life long habit. It is important to get your children reading for many reasons. If you get your children reading, they will find great joy and entertainment in the many books and stories that have been and are being written for young readers. Young minds need stimulation and reading can provide that in abundance. But getting your children reading doesn't just entertain them. Reading enlightens them. If you get your children reading at an early age, they will do better educationally too. So get your children reading. You will be glad you did.
so how does a person get their children reading? do  you just hand them some books and tell them to go read? Will that get your children reading? No. so then do you threaten them if they don't read? will that get them reading? No. So what? do you punish them if they don't read? Will that get your children reading? No. Well how is this whole reading thing going to work out if they won't do what you say? Well, quite simply put, it won't. You can't get your children reading through coercion. You might get them to do a little reading that way, but reading will just be a chore and you know how children avoid doing chores. No, if you want to get your children reading and keep them reading for life, then you have to lead the way.
It is not what you say to your kids that matters anyway. It is always what you do. Everyone knows by now the old maxim, do as I say, not as I do, does not work. Children can spot hypocrisy a mile away. So if you want to get your children reading, you have got to be a reader yourself. How can you instill a love of reading in your children if you don't have it yourself? If reading is so good for your children, why isn't it every bit as good for you too? Well, it is good for you too and you need to model the behavior if you want to get your children reading.
You also need to read to them and with them when they are very little. If children grow up being read to, they will read. There are many things you can do to get your children reading. Most of them are simple things and they just take a little time and effort on your part and you and your children with both enjoy it and be glad for it.
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