Reading Projects
Reading projects are a strategy to achieve the goal of widespread literacy. Reading projects achieve the goal of widespread literacy. Reading projects promote reading. Reading projects promote reading through fun events. Reading projects promote reading through rewards. Reading projects promote reading through competitions. Reading projects promote reading through role modeling. Reading projects promote reading through community participation. And reading projects promote reading through programs that supply the necessary books and other literacy resources necessary to develop and support readers.
There re reading projects going on all over the world. There are many foundations, government agencies, private individuals, and non-governmental organizations who are sponsoring and administering reading projects. These reading projects are taking place in schools, churches, and community centers. all around the globe. Teachers and community activists are promoting literacy and working hard on reading projects that can help change the world. There are reading projects aimed at adults. There are reading projects that are aimed at children and there are reading projects that are aimed at both adults and children.
There are also reading projects that focus on the individual and others that are designed for use in group settings. There are even reading projects that are especially created for use with families. All of these reading projects use different means, but the end goal of all of these reading projects is that same...the creation and support of more and more literate people. Everyone knows what a handicap illiteracy can be. Even a person who is not totally illiterate, but is just a poor reader suffers because of it so these reading projects are aimed at all level readers.
Some of these reading projects are programs to help the functionally illiterate break the cycle of illiteracy that can consign them to a lifetime of poverty. Some reading projects are aimed at encouraging school children to read more and make reading a lifetime pursuit and a pleasurable pastime. And some of these reading projects are aimed at encouraging adults who can read to just read more and be role models for the children in the community as fora as being active readers.
Reading projects can take many forms. Some reading projects are basically reward programs where kids can earn prizes for reading books. These types of reading projects are designed as special community events where everyone reads the same book and then the author comes to town and does special seminars and celebrations. Some reading projects are designed to get parents and kids reading together. And some reading projects programs provide books and other literacy supplies to the underprivileged to promote reading
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