Real Estate


Interested In an Interest Only Loan

You have finally found the property of your dreams.  The contract has been signed and you are now in the process of finding exactly how you will be living and paying off the property for the next few years.  Your lender may have already contacted you and given you the options.  When the question comes up of what kind of loan you want, be prepared for the answer that will benefit you the most. 

One of the major types of loans that you may be offered is an interest only loan.  This loan is great for some that are getting involved in a home, but for others may not be as beneficial.  This loan works by you first paying off the bank interest that is added as a percentage to your loan.  After the interest is completely paid off, then you start paying off the house itself. 

If you are looking at an interest only loan, you will want to make sure that the standard interest rates at the time are in the lower percentage.  Interest only loans will have two types of interest rates that may be applied.  The first is a fixed interest rate, which will mean that the percentage you pay will stay the same the entire time that you have the loan.  The second will be a variable interest, where it will fluctuate according to the economy.  This type of interest rate is good if you want to pay higher or lower amounts at different times, but not good if your pay check doesn't have the same flexibility. 

The interest that you get with an interest only loan will be determined by the lender and how they decide to set up your loan.  It may also be determined by the amount of the down payment that you make and specific rules that are set to the loan.  Before signing the papers, make sure that you know how all of these apply and what it means. 

If you want to make sure that you get the best deal, then it will be important to know what the individual rules are.  By doing this, you can ensure that your payments are beneficial to you as well as everyone else.  One place to investigate is with the possibilities of an interest only loan. 

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