Birthstone Ring Meanings (Part 2)
Here we continue with the traditional stones associated with your month of birth.  Our last article covered the first six months on January through June.  Below we cover the second half of the year, July through December.
July - Ruby - Its red color is related to sex, passion, strength, health, physical energy, courage, and protection. It is associated with blood, birth, and death
August - Peridot -It is thought to bring the wearer good luck, peace, and success. Its powers include health, protection, and sleep. It attracts love, calms anger, eases anxiety and negative emotions
September - Sapphire - Its powers include spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. It is said to aid in the healing of rheumatism, colic and mental illness
October -Opal - It has healing powers that aid inner beauty, faithfulness, and eyesight. It also aids in remembering past lives.
November - Yellow Topaz (Sanskrit for fire) - In the Middle Ages was thought to heal both physical and mental illnesses and prevent death. Citrine - also for November - Aids the kidneys, heart, digestive tract liver, and muscles. It promotes creativity, personal clarity and eliminates self-destructive tendencies.
December - Blue Topaz (Sanskrit for fire) - In the Middle Ages was thought to heal both physical and mental illnesses and prevent death. Turquoise - also for December - It attracts money, success, and love. It gives protection, healing, courage, friendship, and luck. It eases the mind and mental tension.
Birthstone rings make wonderful gifts.  The idea of having a ring with a stone associated solely with one's month of birth can add value to it. People love having something that was picked out personally with them in mind and birthstone rings fit that description perfectly.  The ring is a gift that will be cherished for many years to come.
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