
Running - Rigorous Yet Rewarding Exercise
One of the most popular and effective forms of exercise is running. In many ways, it is the perfect exercise because anyone can do it and you don't need to shell out for expensive equipment or exercise programs to do it- all you need is a pair of good running shoes and you're ready to go. Running also exercises every part of your body, thus giving you a complete work out with every run.
For people who are looking to include a little exercise into their daily lives, running can actually seem to be a little intimidating. This is often due to the fact that people push themselves too hard when they start out on a running regime. The truth is that running is a step by step process which your body needs to become attuned to.
Pace Yourself
For people who do not run or do exercise on a regular basis, embarking on an exercise schedule that involves running can be strenuous on the body. That first run can leave you short of breath and can lead to muscle pains which might set in the next day. The important thing to remember is that the best way to start running is to take it slowly.
Before you actually do a run, do a series of stretches and warming up exercises to limber up your muscles. This will reduce the chances of cramping up in mid-run or developing muscle pain later in the day. Don't try to run five miles in one day. If you are just starting out, give yourself a distance that you will be comfortable with. After finishing your run, you shouldn't feel fatigued but energized and refreshed. It also helps to remember that the only person you are running against is yourself- if you feel like taking it slow or even walking for a few steps then do so. By pacing yourself you can push yourself to do a little more each day and gradually work into a challenging running regime.
Running Up The Benefits
In many ways, running is the complete exercise because it improves both your mental and physical health. For those who get the chance to run out in the open, running is a great way to revitalize yourself with some fresh air. Running works your heart and lungs as well as the muscles in your arms and legs. For those who are under a lot of stress, running is a great way to blow of some of that extra steam and get some quiet time with your thoughts. You would be amazed at how clear thinking can be accomplished during a rigorous run. Running is indeed the complete and perfect way to good health.
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