Sales Letters


Personal Marketing With Sales Letter - A Success Business Story

Think about direct sales and the tool you have in your hand is personal marketing with sales letter. It enables you to approach your client directly and effectively, thereby  increasing the probability of success.

Personal marketing with sales letter is that perfect tool that a business or a marketing expert uses in catching up with the potential clients. With this tool you can get in touch with your customers directly. This promotion and advertisement technique helps to promote the products and services before target clients. This also gives a feeling to the buyer that his needs are important to the company. Hence, it helps in building confidence and trust in the buyer.

Why A Sales Letter?

Personal marketing with sales letter is a crucial instrument which may make or break a deal in hand. A well planned and strategic approach can actually multiply your sales. When someone approaches a potential client and introduces his product or service to him, the impact remains with the customer for the duration of the interaction or at times for a little longer. It may happen that personal interaction happens at a time when the customer is not fully devoted towards the session. Thus to augment the whole approach personal marketing with sales letter is the right approach. This enables the customer to come back to the interactive session whenever he needs to.

What To Include In A Sales Letter?

Personal marketing with sales letter is not just a formality. Marketing needs to be supported by a well covered sales letter. There are a number of ingredients needed for a well placed sales letter.

An attractive headline is a must.
Interesting contents are the soul of the letter. Remember the best sales letters are written in a simple and straightforward manner. Dont force the reader to open a dictionary!
Contents should cover all the aspects of the product or service in offering.
A gist of the session and important facts and figures must be included. This enables a customer to come back to the data whenever he wants to.
Forceful conclusion to end the letter.
End it with compelling the client to make a purchase.
If using a hard copy, ensure that you use an attractive and attention grabbing envelope.
If sending by an email, make your subject line simple. However, the contents need to meet all the requirements of the potential customer. So make it as interesting as possible.


It is important to use the tool of personal marketing with sales letter sensibly and strategically. That will have a great impact on the sales results of your business. It will not only increase the customer interaction but also save money by directly enabling the product to be launched to the customer. One can rate personal marketing with sales letter as the best tool of a successful business.

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