Scholarships, Grants And Your Family
The best feeling in the world for a mother is to see her son or daughter off to university and feel inordinately proud of him or her, upset and yet knowing that they will be fine as they embark on their new lives! However, can you imagine the opposite feeling? A mother seeing her children off to university, proud as anyone could be, and yet worried to death that they are going to face the hardship and struggle that all college students should be spared from, not knowing when the next meal is coming and taking on two jobs as well as their studies just to make ends meet. This is not the case for the vast majority of students, at least not to that extent. However, the poor mother must feel so helpless consider she does her best to make sure that this scenario never happens. With scholarships and grants, the latter need not be an issue!
Scholarships and grants have been put in place to try and help individuals to make ends meet whilst at university, regardless of the financial situation of the family in question. Believe it or not, scholarships and grants can involve the whole family too. Obviously they would not pay for anything other than the college education of one member of the family, but in terms of confidence. Most parents feel that it is their responsibility to send their children to college and nobody else's. However, this is not always possible. I have read stories of parents resenting their children because they happen to be funding themselves instead of being provided for by the parents. This is extremely rare, but it does happen and can cast a cloud on the whole experience. They may feel as if you no longer need them and they are being cast aside, and so involving them would make it seem like they were actually contributing to a college education.
In fact, when it comes to finding and applying for a college scholarship, it is never a bad idea to have all hands on deck! The amount of scholarships there are out there really can send the whole process of researching them into chaos if you only have a limited time to research them and compile the details before the closing date. By involving your family, they are part of your big adventure and it can really be of benefit to you as well. There is absolutely nothing wrong with involving them in your plans, even though some may think otherwise. Although it is your experience, they are lending a helping hand.
Your family may not be able to afford the best in college education for you, but if they are on the poverty line or below it then they can help you by providing the details you need in order to claim a grant. If you plan to claim as a low-income household then you will be able to get a certain amount of help from the government to get you through college. You will need to include salary before and after tax, other expenses and dependents and a variety of other information on the application form. The only way you will get all of the necessary information is if your parents are willing to help you. In effect, their struggle to make ends meet can actually improve your chances of finding funding! Although this is of no comfort to them, they do not have to struggle to put you through college, and that should give them peace of mind.
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