Scholarships & Grants


The Travel Bug And How It Will Affect Scholarships

Modern students tend to want so much more than previous generations ever did, and they have every right to now that technology has enabled us all to live more advanced lives with the means to conquer the world at our fingertips. However, although the technology is awe-inspiring, it is the travel bug that grips students more than anything else today. They dream of studying abroad, with Europe being the choice of destination for the majority, but this leaves them ineligible to apply for a scholarship or grant does it not? This is the common train of thought for those looking to go abroad for at least a year, but this is most definitely not the case.

Students looking to spend part of their degree in a foreign country and yet be based at a specific university or college in the United States are usually eligible for special grants to help with the cost of obtaining knowledge from another country that can actually help to enhance that specific individual's education. These grants may take the form of a scholarship if that individual student has something special to offer, or a grant to help fund travel expenses. Of course, with travelling abroad, awards that are unique to study years are one time only offers and will not continue with that specific student until he or she finishes college and successfully graduates.

If you were lucky enough to have been awarded a scholarship to help fund your way through college before you began your freshman year then the likelihood is that the awarding body would allow you to receive that scholarship if you spent a year abroad. It would still be a vital part of your education, although it would no doubt be subject to you maintaining any terms and conditions that were laid upon it in the first place, such as maintaining a certain grade point average or theme of study. This all depends on the type of scholarship that you were awarded of course and you should always notify the body that awarded it to you before you begin studying abroad.

However, studying abroad also opens up new opportunities to you as well. Some universities abroad offer help to exchange students. They seem to recognise the fact that you may struggle to make ends meet in a foreign country, especially when geographical constraints are considered in terms of visa laws too. Some visas will actually regulate whether you are able to find work abroad, or determine where you can work as well. A foreign student heading to a US college can only actually work on campus, and it would usually work both ways.

However, if you plan to study abroad for the entire duration of your degree then the financial help that you will get is totally different. The majority of scholarships and grants on offer stipulate that you actually have to attend a university on home soil to benefit. This would make you ineligible for the majority of them, although it would still be possible to apply for some independent ones and those local to your area and the individual rather than the institution. However, some British universities, for example, offer international student scholarships for the individuals that actually look to study in their institution. The majority of the large universities do have this facility available for those wishing to take advantage so it would definitely be worth applying if you are absolutely certain that you will see the degree through to an end within that country.

As a result of the going abroad to study trend that has presented itself within the last decade, there is plenty of help available for students out there now. This certainly allows individuals to broaden their life experience as well as their college one. In terms of a future career, the experience itself will enhance an individual's ability to his or her job, and this can only be a good thing for the future of this country as well as the world! If the money is taken care of, then the student can simply relax and enjoy!

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