The Basics Of SEO What Is Search Engine Optimization
You get to hear so much about SEO these days, but exactly what is search engine optimization? The internet gurus and other experts in this field might like to explain it in terms of keywords, algorithms, search engine bots and crawlers, and all kinds of fancy technical jargon! For a layman, however, search engine optimization is nothing but optimizing your websites in such a way that they get listed in the top ranking positions on all the major search engines, whenever a person types in a set of words related to your products or services, and clicks on the search button. These high ranks can be achieved in several ways.
Optimizing The Content
Pick up any article on the internet, dealing with what is search engine optimization, and you will come across the line - Content is the King! That, in fact, is the essence of search engine optimization! No other kind of advertising - whether free or paid - can beat the amount of highly targeted web traffic that optimized content-rich pages can direct your way, all free of cost!
Higher Rankings
Not only does quality content have the potential to attract targeted traffic and convert it into repeat visitors, but a well designed website, with keyword rich content, is also well liked by the search engines when it comes to ranking. An SEO expert, who claims to know what search engine optimization is, will be able to do the required keyword research for your product segment, and manage the content of your web pages in such a way that makes it easier for the search engines to gather accurate and relevant information about your website and sort it accordingly.
Link Popularity
When it comes to answering the question - what is search engine optimization, there is one more aspect of the job that we have to consider. That aspect deals with building up link popularity in your relevant circle on the web. For example, if you have a website that sells pet food, getting inbound links from other websites relating to pets can be extremely beneficial in increasing your link popularity with the search engines. And if they are coming from popular, top-ranked websites, then it is even better! With so many high-quality websites linking to you, search engines automatically consider you as an authority and, hence, bestow a higher rank upon your website!
A top-notch SEO will be able to deliver all the three above-mentioned aspects of a sound SEO strategy. Not only that, but he will also optimize your web pages in such a way that it prompts your visitors to take some kind of action - sign up for your services or buy your products, or even simply join your mailing list, at least! These are the basics of what is search engine optimization, which any quality SEO should be able to take care of.
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