A Simple Anger Management Plan
Anger management plans are developed to offer a person a plan of action when a stressful or confrontational situation arises. When the individual experiences signs of negative emotions and angry thoughts, an anger management lesson plan is meant to provide tools to decrease or control their temper. Anger management lesson plans can be designed to be individual, once a person finds techniques or adopts skills that work for them.
Becoming conscious of what makes you angry is the first step. Writing down these thoughts might help you to decide how to proceed in a positive way rather than lash out.
The second step necessary is to practice self-control. When opposition arises it is essential to stop, take a minute and think the situation through. This gives you an opportunity to think about your usual response without actually acting on it.
After you think about your probable reaction, it is then essential to think about the potential fallout from each reaction. Thinking things through can permit you to consider reasonable ways of dealing with the situation besides becoming hot-tempered.
The fourth step in this anger management lesson is the decision making step. Considering the options for reactions, now you must decide which one that is likely to work or be effective. Of course then it's time to act on this decision.
When you have followed through with these four steps, it is then necessary to evaluate your process. This step in the anger management lesson plan allows time to think over the entire situation to discern whether the result was a positive one.
Working through anger management plans such as this one may be easy to carry out when you are in a calm state of mind. The true test comes when these steps are put into action when you are angry and experiencing negative thoughts and emotions. The only way to ensure these anger management lesson plans work is to practice them over and over again.
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