
Working Up To Be a Senior Golf Pro
Some interesting facts about the senior golfer might have some people amazed. There are three classifications that some believe in strongly. The top golfers/pros, the good amateurs and the hackers. It is said that to become a pro you will need to start early in life and hit over three hundred and sixty thousand golf balls by the time you reach twenty. Now this may be an exaggeration, but it is possible to hit a hundred balls a day if you do not work or have any other hobbies or obligations.
For a top golfer or a pro it is said that they started as kids, had a mentor or a coach, were natural at athletics, hit thousands of balls and spent hours perfecting the game. It is also said they have belong to some sort of golf club and play eighteen holes of golf regularly. The younger they start the more they have learned and have hit many balls to lead them on their way to becoming a pro.
Now for the amateur senior golf player, they may have started as a kid, but usually start as a young adult. For the most part, they have some type of lesson whether professional or by someone, more experienced. They are also naturals as athletes and can say they have hit thousands of balls in their game. This is someone who also plays eighteen holes more often than not.
Now the hacker is said to be someone who starts out later in life and some have even had lessons or are just learning as they go along. This might just be a new hobby that they discovered and are probably not very athletic by nature. The hacker also usually only has a couple thousand hits and a few games to such as ten to twenty or so a year.
Some senior golfers believe you have to hit so many balls before the age of thirty to become a scratch golfer, which is someone that plays at par. This might not always be true since some golfers are just naturals at the game. Some pro golfers have the opinion that it is how you learn the game and how you achieve the distance needed to play the game. Whether you are a pro, amateur or a hacker, you can still come in at par or even under par if you have the god given talent at any age.
For the most part, if you start out young, you have a better chance of becoming a senior golf pro. The idea of giving up your childhood is not for everyone, but you can still make your way in life as a golfer by enjoying life as well. Most players that play the game still like to live a little and do have active family and social lives. Becoming a senior golf pro boils down to dedication and the ability to take guidance and run with it. As your game improves so does your recognition.
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