
Make Coupon Shopping Work For You!
Recently I've had many people ask me what I think of
manufacturer's discount coupons. I use discount coupons -- but
only if they work completely to my advantage. In my book, they
are very handy if:
1) You can match a Store Sale to a Manufacturer's coupon thus
getting the item for nearly --or sometimes -- free.
2) If you need to purchase a particular name brand for a gift.
3) If that name brand product is something your family just
thinks is the best product for the job. We have a particular
brand of toothpaste my hubby would never do without. Ergo -- we
buy it with coupons.
4) Shop at a store that offers Double Coupons up to a Dollar
Value, thus bringing the value of the coupon up too, or near a
dollar off.
Example #1: My family's favorite toothpaste is normally
$3.49 at the grocery store. When there is a store sale, it goes
for $2.49. With an additional Manufacturer's Coupon for a dollar
off, the price goes down to $1.49 a tube. That's when I buy it!
Yes, I know I could take a hard line as the "money manager" in
the family, and say we have to use some generic brand for a
dollar a tube, or better yet, just use baking soda... But
sometimes when you live on strict budget life's small pleasures
can mean a lot. Ask my husband the spender of the family (laugh).
Another frequent question people asked me if the stories of some
woman who got $200 dollars of groceries for $20 bucks with
cupons are true. Yes, this is possible IF you buy only products
already on sale matched to an additional dollar off coupon. Then
you pay just a few cents an item.
Example #2: We did this this week. We got the weekly
sales flyer from a large local grocery and matched it to our
coupon collection. My teenaged son likes to do this. We found
many items we were going to need later for holiday gift giving
or treat making listed in the flyer on store sale. We went to
the store on a day they doubled coupons so all our coupons would
be valued around or equal to a dollar. The original total was
over $90 Dollars, but with the coupons our total came to $40
Dollars, which is less than half what it would have been... The
sales girl kept looking and looking at the full cart and the low
bill. It WAS a fine Frugal Moment.
You can get Coupons from: 1) a Sunday Newspaper
2) or online at sites Like: Cool Savings.com Coolsavings.com
Ecoupons.com www.ecoupons.com
3) Cooking Coupons Directly From Manufacturers Like: Online
Baking Coupons from Pillsbury.com http://www.pillsbury.com
Online Baking Coupons from Nestle http://www.verybestbaking.co
Online Baby Coupons http://www.verybestbaby.com
All rights belong to author. Contact pinteareed@ureach.com for
re-print permission.
About the author:
Lili Pintea-Reed is the well known author of the
www.bellaonline.com FRUGAL LIVING site where she gives all sorts
of advice to working families on saving money. Check out her
site at: http://www.be
llaonline.com/site/frugalliving All rights belong to author.
Contact pinteareed@ureach.com for re-print permission.
Written by: Lili Pintea-Reed
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