Camping Coast to Coast
The American continent is such a vast landscape of every imaginable terrain and climate.  In the same country, you can walk in a tropical rain forest, play on a Caribbean beach, hike in a mountain range or fish on a tranquil lake.  And if you enjoy camping, you know that nothing compares to the sense of intimacy and becoming one with nature with the experience of pitching a tent and sleeping nestled in natures arms.
One of the hardest things about living in a country of such great diversity, with so much to offer in term of sightseeing and of such great size is how do you take it all in and really enjoy everything to see and experience?  Many have taken on the challenge of a cross country journey to scratch that itch.  There is nothing like traveling by car from one coast to the other to give you a deep appreciation of the magnificence God has put into the American landscape.
But to really make that cross country trip an adventure that will stay with you forever, you might consider planning such a trip and combining it with those well developed camping skills you have developed.  By camping across America, you can enjoy that same sense of getting close to nature but broaden your experience by camping at different state parks from Washington to Florida or New Jersey to California or whatever route works best for you.
Of course, such an adventure will take plenty of planning.  For starters, you should carefully map out your route so you know from night to night where the next camping location exactly is.  The great thing about the National Parks System is that you can virtually visit any campsite in the country using the internet and view the locations of the campsites and even make your reservations on the computer so you know you have a campsite waiting for you at every stop along the way.
Other preparations fit in with your existing camping discipline including how to prepare for meals, the equipment checklist and emergency preparedness.  A camping trip of this scope can take several weeks and you dont want to rush it because part of the joy of camping coast to coast is getting to know the land at every stop along the way.  If you are new to camping, taking a good amount of time to work out your camping skills, your equipment checklist and building your campsite abilities will pay off well when you set off on this kind of great adventure.
A couple other words of advice will pay off well that pertain to being prepared for any contingency.  While camping is clearly less expensive than staying in hotels, you should be sure your budget is sound should an emergency arise and you find you need to use hotels or buy new equipment to replace things that get damaged.  Always be aware of accommodations nearby should the weather take a turn for the worse.  If you are caught in a flood in your campsite half way through your coast to coast adventure, that can throw off the entire trip.  So be prepared to make other arrangements in a hurry.
With good preparation and plenty of well rehearsed emergency fall back plans, you can be ready for just about any circumstance that might come up during your big trek across the American continent.  But even with those adjustments, you will look back fondly on this great undertaking and the many nights you became close to nature in yet another of the scenic and soul inspiring camping locations across this great land.  And dont be surprised if after you get home, you are already starting to plan your next great outing camping coast to coast.
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