
Free SEO Tips For Traffic Generation
Affordable SEO is of extreme importance in quality traffic generation. The right kind of traffic from the right kind of sources can do wonders for your business. Click-through traffic, while okay for some bonus cold market, cannot be relied upon solely for making reasonable amount of profits from your business. You need some targeted traffic for that purpose, people who know why they are on your site, people who actually have the potential of turning into customers.
Search Engine Friendly Product Pages
When people search for a product, that your website may be offering, they type in certain keywords on a search engine, and they usually click on one of the links that is displayed in the top 10 search results. So the idea is to get the search engines to like your website so much that they display it in one of the top 10 positions. That accounts for a lot of free advertising and traffic generation your way.
The best way to do this is to make sure that your website is optimized for those keywords not just the home page, but, the rest of the pages in your site too should be rich in those keywords. Moreover, rich in keywords doesnt mean that you simply stuff your web pages with keywords, disregarding the vocabulary, grammar, and the overall content of the pages completely! If you do that infact, forget about traffic generation, you can rest assured that Google and all the other search engines will throw you off their grid completely!
Link Exchanges
Another good of way making the search engines fall in love with you is by acquiring a lot of back links to your website. But heres the catch. If you are looking for back links simply for the purpose of additional traffic generation, then thats okay you can go ahead and exchange links with anyone and everyone! However, if you are also aiming to increase your rankings with the search engines, then you must ensure that those back links come from a high ranking page page and not website!
For example, if you decide to exchange links with a website having a Google rank of say 5, but the webmaster of that site adds your URL on one of his obscure pages, having a rank of 0, it gives you no benefit at all in terms of a better page rank with any of the search engines. In fact, I doubt that it would help much in traffic generation either, for an un-ranked page would hardly have any traffic of its own that it can direct towards you!
So keep these few things in mind. While there are professional SEO services available, not everyone can afford them, and especially not the new entrepreneurs who just have a small website to take care of. Search engine optimized pages can help a lot in free traffic generation.
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