Social Bookmarking Guide


How To Use Traffic Generation For Making Money Online

If you have an online money-making venture, you know the importance of traffic generation. Traffic is the single most important requisite, after setting up any business, for the success or failure of it! Traffic determines the sales-volume and the revenue-generations, be it a virtual store or a real shop. No matter how good a product you may be offering, if the people dont visit your store to check it out, there is no likelihood that they will buy it. So how do you generate more traffic towards your website?

1. Google Adword Or Pay-Per-Click
This is one of the paid techniques for traffic generation. However, you can be very sure that if you have a good product to sell, you can earn many times over what you spend on this service.

2. USFreeAds
If you cannot afford to buy ads, then you can also find some high-ranking websites that allow you to post free ads on many Google keywords. This super-cheap method of generating traffic towards your website can help you earn a lot of cash, if used properly.

3. Blogging
Blogging is perhaps one of the best ways to get a whole lot of organic traffic your way! Search engines love freshly-updated content, and free blog spaces, like Blogger and Wordpress, providing you a great platform to post keyword-rich content that can guarantee instant top positions in search results.

4. Article Marketing
Article marketing also provides a free method for traffic generation. You can write as many articles as you wish to, related to your products, and submit them to top article directories, with your affiliate/website link at the end. If the articles are well written, you instantly create a good first impression on your readers too.

5. Craigslists
Craigslist is one site that gets billions of page-views every month. Therefore, if you have posted an ad about your products on Craigslist, you are sure to get a massive exposure. Bottom-line: Worth the investment!

6. YouTube
YouTube is another very successful method for free traffic generation. If you can get a little creative, a video can reach out to many more people than a page full of text.

7. Squeeze Website.
If you know a bit of SEO, or if you have the money to hire SEO professionals to do the task for you, then you can easily set up your own website with a review of your products. Get the site optimized for your product and it will most certainly get a ranking high enough for considerable traffic generation.

While some of the above mentioned ways are paid methods of traffic generation, yet others can also get you free traffic. The trick is in how to use a combination of both types of methods free and paid to get you those miraculous figures for the number of hits on your site, which, in turn, means more sales!

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