
Quick Tips For Free Traffic Generation
Being a regular user of the internet, you must be aware of the role of traffic generation in any online venture for making money. People come to you only when they get to know about you that such-and-such website exists for this particular product! If nobody has heard of you, or is even aware of your existence, then chances are that nobody will come to you for business.
Just like in the traditional ways of doing business, you have to make use of the media and other resources to spread the word around about your business, similarly, you have to announce your web presence to the world too. In addition, while there are options for paid advertising and directory listing in the virtual world too, there are some free ways also that can be used for a good volume of traffic generation.
Search Engine Optimization
Make sure your website is somewhat optimized for the search engines. In other words, if a person searched for your product keyword, your site should be able to get one of the first 10 positions in the search results. You can do this yourself just make sure that your main keywords are present in at least the page title, the main headings and subheadings, and a few more times across the rest of the website. This will ensure a heavy volume of organic traffic generation towards your website, consisting of people who are genuinely looking for your products.
Article Submission
There are hundreds of sites that allow you to submit any number of free articles to their database, with a referral link to your own website at the end. This is one of the most popular ways of free traffic generation. You write 10 keyword-rich, high-quality articles and submit them to 100 different websites, and attract free traffic from those sites.
Directory Listing
Many high-ranking websites all over the Internet, offer free directory-listing services to upcoming entrepreneurs. If you make some effort and submit your website to at least a 100 of such directories, it can assure you a pretty steady traffic generation after a period of time. Although this is a little slow process, you can still give it a try, because time is what you have in plenty, when you start a new business, as against money!
While there are other free ways too, for directing traffic towards your business, chances are that the traffic generated by those methods will have a very small percentage of a potential customer base. Most of the people visiting your site through those channels will be the ones who are simply looking for free stuff free information, freebies anything that is free. The above mentioned ways of traffic generation do require a bit of planning and hard work, but they can assure you of serious traffic, who are actually looking for your products or services with an intention of buying them.
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