
Traffic Generation - What Is Better - Quality Or Quantity
For any online business to be successful, traffic generation is one of the most important requisites. Although, the debate continues whether quality traffic is more important than the quantity of traffic generated. So, what exactly are these two types of traffic?
Quality Web Traffic
Quality traffic is the targeted traffic-  visitors who know what they are looking for and why they are there on your website. They may happen to land on your website when they specifically do a search for one of the products or services you are offering. Alternatively, they may simply be seeking some information from one of the articles posted on your website. Either way, quality traffic generation leads to a warm traffic, consisting of people who have made conscious efforts to seek your site out, by a simple keyword search or from a related article or even by subscribing to a mailing list related to your products and services.
Quality traffic generation has a better percentage of conversion into customers, because these people are already looking for what you are offering on your website. Even if they dont buy from your site right away, chances are that they will come back, if just to compare prices! However, generating this kind of traffic is costly. The best way to get targeted traffic on your website is by using Google Adwords, but this can often cost you as much as $5 per click! Of course, there are some free ways too, like writing related topic based articles and posting messages on forums related to your product, but these can require a considerable amount of time and effort.
Quantity Web Traffic
Quantity traffic is what you get when people click through links on pages that are not necessarily related to your site at all. For example, you may include a link to your site in your signature, when you post messages to online discussion boards and forums that you are a part of, or even in all your outgoing emails, or when you post a comment on someones blogs. Such free traffic generation can also be accomplished through traffic exchanges and link exchanges.
While this kind of click-through traffic generation is generally free of cost, and if done in the correct way, can lead to thousands of free hits to your website, it might not necessarily boost your sales volume up by a very high percentage. These people did not actually intend to purposely seek your site out for the products it offered. However, it can work as a cold market, wherein the person accidentally clicks through to your site, and once hes told how he can benefit from your products, he may actually find some use for them!
In reality, both quality and quantity traffic generation works hand-in-hand, for the basic principle of marketing is that where there is a need, you fulfill it; and where there isnt one, you create it!
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