Social Bookmarking Guide


Web 2.0 Marketing - A Few Pointers

The main focus of Web 2.0 applications is to encourage social interaction by bringing people together to share their thoughts and expertise. Utilities and services with social networking applications are the mainstay of these applications. The very face of online marketing has changed with the open source content model of Web 2.0, a change for the better which helps in augmenting the profits of your business. Popular services such as Flickr, YouTube, MySpace and a host of other such applications have completely transformed the way in which businesses today are reaching out through their online markets.

Tips To Incorporate Web 2.0 Into Your Marketing Strategy

Simple but not effortless: Unlike popular belief, Web 2.0 marketing needs continuous effort and creativity to remain ahead of competitors. The content on your website needs to be constantly maintained and updated to make it interesting for the target market. Ample time as well as funds needs not to be invested to run multiple projects. Long term strategic planning is ideal in such a situation.
Catchy content: Incorporating fresh and catchy content should be the priority as news becomes outdated very fast. In such a scenario, experimenting with podcasts, news about upcoming events as well as unusual background information can be helpful.
Authenticity is essential: Although the Internet respects anonymity on all aspects, Web 2.0 marketing involves you as a part of a community. Misusing the very same anonymity that supports participation can be detrimental. Participation should thus be encouraged without supporting abuse.
Be ready to handle criticism: Negative reports about your business are common phenomena. Before being given the privilege to share, leave alone sell, you would be required to prove yourself. The method in which you deal with criticism plays an important role in proving your strengths under demanding circumstances.
Remain active: By permitting a buyer to interact with the business on a familiar footing, Web 2.0 marketing acts as a two-way street. Participation is facilitated by the inclusion of wikis, videocasts and blogs on your website. Creation of your own social network is not the end of the story as you also need to participate in other online communities that are equally active.
Multimedia still reigns: The statistics on video sharing sites reveal the facts regarding where exactly consumers spend their maximum time online. With reducing bandwidth costs, the consumers need for exciting multimedia experience only increases. This proves to be an excellent business opportunity for those interested in investing in the upcoming technologies in communication.

Although Web 2.0 is still in the nascent stage, the target market has already revealed its willingness to be a part of the open source movement. However content and especially multimedia content will prove to be the deciding factors of the success or failure of an online business. Are you ready to take up the challenge of Web 2.0 marketing?

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