Social Bookmarking Guide


Web 2.0 Social Bookmarking Growing Evident In Today’s World

The indications and presence of Web 2.0 can be seen everywhere in todays world. Almost all television news programs include a YouTube video. TV channels all over the world are thrilled at the idea of all the producers and reporters uploading their content for viewing by the public.

Visible signs of Web 2.0 can be seen everywhere. YouTube videos are a phenomenal success culturally although they are just a collection of the best home videos. The income gained from the banner advertisements is also debatable.

MySpace is another Web 2.0 site that is enjoying immense popularity. No page on MySpace is almost similar to non existence for many. There was even a person who started wondering about what would happen to his MySpace page when he dies. That is the type of popularity that sites like MySpace are now enjoying.

The Growing Web Culture In The World Of Today

The way in which the web has revolutionized the entire thought processes and actions of people is evident when you see the fast mushrooming Web 2.0 sites all over the web. Even the telephone books which were earlier the key to locating people or businesses now have given way to popular search engines like Google on the Internet. The immediate response to any query is to replicate the query on Google and in most cases the answer is also derived immediately.

Even conventional sources of entertainment such as television are being left behind with more and more people gravitating towards making blog entries and posting in Facebook, making mashups and so on. In such a scenario, online marketing with Web 2.0 sites holds immense possibilities. Even newspapers all over are sending away or laying off employees. More and more writers are moving over to the web with the immense potential that lies therein.

Implications Of This Changing Scenario

What really is the difference among blog post, YouTube, news article and so on? Is an article in the newspaper really more credible than a blog post? Blog posts and the personal opinions stated therein are gaining importance day by day. People are no longer naenough to believe that a story in the newspaper carries more reliability. Blog reports have had an extremely powerful impact on the Presidential elections of 2004 and even now Web 2.0 businesses such as and other such organizations are extremely powerful forces.

With such a fast changing environment, you need to think about the far reaching implications of this on your Web 2.0 business. In todays world it pays to move towards what your goal is going to be rather than what it is now. In other words, you need to set goals for your business based on futuring or where the market is going to be.

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