Canadian Sport Fishing The Thrill of Fishing In Canada
It is a fact that sport fishing is a relaxing as well as a challenging sport. If you are like a lot of people who loves to go sport fishing, then you will want to go to a location where the fishing is fantastic. Sport fishermen from all over the world are constantly in the look out for new fishing grounds that will be able to provide them with the best fishing experience that they will ever have.
If you are one of these people, then Canada is the place for you. Canadian sport fishing is known to provide one of the best sport fishing in the world. With countless lakes, rivers and reservoirs, you can be sure that you will be able to land that big catch that you have always dreamed about.
Here are some of the best sports fishing locations in Canada that you may want to visit on your next fishing holiday.
British Columbia
Known as the Sunshine Coast, it will be able to provide you with excellent fishing in great weather conditions. Here, you will surely love fishing in the Georgia Strait. It is known to be one of the best locations for sport fishing as the Vancouver Island protects the water from the open sea. This means that you can expect calm waters when you fish here.
In this part of Canada, expect to hook red snappers, ling cod, flounders, tommy cod and rock cod. You can also hook some Chinook salmon as well.
If you fish in the winter, you will be able to catch feeder Chinooks and in the spring time, you can try your luck for hooking migratory Chinooks. Salmons can be fished here all year round. So, if you are looking for a bit of challenge, this place is the place that you should fish in.
There are also locations in British Columbia that provides fantastic fly fishing. You can try your luck for trout at the Hotel Lake, Trout Lake or even at the Mixal Lake and the Garden Bay Lake. It is recommended that you go on March as this will be the month that you can expect great fly fishing.
Sport fishing enthusiasts can also try their luck at Ontario, Canada. Here, you will be able to try your luck in its 250 thousand lakes and even on the shorelines of the four Great Lakes.
If you are looking for lake trout, perch, walleye, pike and other fresh water fish, then Quebec is the place for you. With thousands of lakes and rivers in this part of Canada, you can be sure that you will be able to have great time fishing in one of the best lakes or rivers in Quebec.
Labrador is also an ideal location for sport fishing. There are hundreds of public rivers and it is also the place to catch trout and salmon. The Awesome Lake will also be able to provide you with the best fishing experience that you will ever have. Labrador is also known for Atlantic salmon fishing.
These are just a fraction of what to expect when you fish in Canada. With its diverse and abundant marine life as well as great unspoiled natural scenery, you can be sure that you will enjoy your fishing holiday in Canada.
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