
Workplace Stress Management
Stress is a regular part of life and any job. Without stress, workers cannot meet deadlines, strive to achieve required sells required for the job, or meet satisfaction of the clients. Meeting the demands of a job makes the work interesting and satisfying and often allows people to develop their skills and achieve promotion. People regularly experience stress-causing situations in the workplace. They react to these events with tension and then come back to a more relaxed condition when it is over.
Stressors In The Workplace
In the workplace, stress can usually cross from normal to excessive. Excessive stress can activate physical and emotional reactions that can be detrimental to employees and business alike.
Some jobs especially those that include physical strength like firefighting or those involve in maintaining justice are very stressful. Other jobs like teaching or social work that are physiologically demanding can also be stressful and even people who crunch numbers or stamp metal can experience stress.
Workplace stress can be caused by several factors, some of which may include: unsupportive working environment, high demands of the job, or poor organizational communication.
Sudden change in the workplace can cause employees develop a fear of being fired. Frequent personnel turnover, poor chances of promotion, lack of preparation for technological changes can also become the stress factor for the employees.
Some work stress factors may include: too much workload, dull or worthless tasks, lengthy hours of work and small pay, unreasonable performance demands and rare rest breaks. However the physical environment of the workplace like noise and overcrowding, poor air quality, health and safety risks can also cause stress to the workers.
Supervisors that are distant and uncommunicative are walking stressors. Meager performance from subordinates can also cause stress to supervisors. Staff members also create their own stress by developing office politics, competition, bullying or harassment.
Health Risks Of Stress In The Workplace
A link between workplace stress and physical or emotional problems exist. Early signs of job stress include: sleep disturbances, stomach problems, trouble in concentration, irritability, headache, low morale, and poor affairs with family members and friends. These signs are simple to distinguish, but without proper management, they can develop into severe health risks like cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal conditions and psychological disorders.
Work Stress Reduction
Managers and employers can reduce stress at work by providing stress management programs and training for workers and improvement in the working conditions. There are programs that are intended to aid employees with personal problems that may be disturbing their job performance. Also, they may consist of counseling, mental health assessments, workshops on managing their time, ways of relaxing and assistance both legally and financially. The relief provided by these programs may be shallow and brief if the roots of stress in the work setting are not tackled.
Creating a healthy working environment can create a lasting stress relief of the workers. Encouraging employee participation, implementation of policies that includes the needs of the workers are some of the ways to provide a better working environment.
Employees can also reduce their job stress by getting a job description. A specific job description provided by the employer provides the basic guidelines and expectations for the performance of the employee. If the is becoming too stressful, maybe it is time for the employee to look for a more suitable job or ask if the company could modify the job to suit the employees skill.
Getting support from the local, state or federal agencies can lessen work stress by providing the employees the backing they need to keep them from hazardous situations in the workplace.
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