
How Much Loan Do You Actually Need
Before you consider borrowing a student loan for your college, think first how much loan you really need.  Always note that when taking out student loan, you don't have to borrow the entire amount which is usually specified in your award letter.  Just borrow what is enough.
Reduce Your Loan As Much As Possible There are several options available for student loan borrowers.  But, before opting for one, it is necessary that you question yourself if you can hold down the expenses; if you can work more, either in the academic year or during vacations; or if there are scholarships available for you.  It is often said that if you minimize spending or bring in more money, the amount you have to borrow for your education tends to go down.
Consider Student Loans with the Best Terms Note that the lower the interest rate, the less pricey the student loan is.This actually means, the less you will have to repay for your student loan debt. For your own sake, here is what your batting order should be (from the least expensive):
Student Loans 1. Federal Perkins Loans 2. Federal Subsidized Stafford or Direct Loans 3. Federal Unsubsidized Stafford or Direct Loans 4. Alternative or Private Loans As you may know, most of the students thinking for student loans have access to a special loan source these days.  These sources, like the Air Force Aid Society, have student loans terms that are comparable to the Perkins or Subsidized Stafford or Direct Loans.  Of course, it may be worth your time to look into the possibilities.  There are some sources these days that offer low-interest student loan programs, and perhaps one of the most resourceful is the College Board's online Scholarship Search.
Parent Loans 1. Federal PLUS Loans 2. Private Loans or Alternative Loans As mentioned, there are two available forms of education loans for parents.  These programs are what commonly offered by some colleges anywhere in the world.  But, for great chances of availing the benefits of such programs, it is best to check with your financial aid office to see if the school you wish to attend offers its own loan program.  This will also allow you to know if you qualify for the loan, before you submit a PLUS loan application.
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