
Student Loan Consolidation Improved Credit Score
By considering a loan consolidation, borrowers not only save or reduce their long term debt but can also help change their credit score for the better over time.  It is worth noting that an improved credit score is a very important factor when a person enters the " real" world and wants a new car, apartment or charge card. 
Here are some tips for you that can help you as you enter the job market.
* More Open Accounts, The Lower the Score:  Over the student borrower's life, he or she may have borrowed up to eight separate loans to pay for school.  Each of these loans has a different payback amount, payment terms and interest rate.  The more accounts the student has opened, the lower the over credit score.  Thereby, lowering the amount of open credit lines on a credit report is needed, but this can only be made possible through a student loan consolidation in which the older accounts will be combined into a single account.
* The Lower the Payments, the Higher the Score:  When the credit report evaluation comes, it is usual in the process that the amount of the borrower's monthly minimum payments is taken into account.  So, when you hold a number of loans, every payment is considered part of the borrower's monthly payment obligation.  Those who have considered consolidation have only one payment to make, which is typically lower than the minimum amount of the separate, multiple loans.
* The Debt to Credit Ratio Matters:  As you may know, the credit bureaus typically find out if you are in debt.  They do this by way of evaluating the amount of your available credit you actually use.  So, in case you have a total of $10,000 available on three credit lines and you owe $2,000, your score will then be considered higher than especially if you have maxed out your on credit line with a $2,000 limit.  It is worthy to note that if a person has several loans with a maximum used, it will reflect negatively on his or her credit score.  Given this fact, consolidating the accounts is very important in order to lessen the number of open accounts being used.
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