Summer Pool Safety


Kiddie Pool Safety Tips

When it comes to pool safety, most warnings are meant for aboveground and inground swimming pools.  This, however, does not mean that kiddie pools are one hundred percent safe.  With that said, there are steps that you can take to make sure yours is.

First and foremost, it is important to remember that children can drown in only a few inches of water.  Unfortunately, this is a fact that many parents and kiddie pool owners do not know.  Despite what you may have heard, a childs body does not have to be fully submerged in water to drown.  This means that although the drowning numbers are less for kiddie pools, the risk is still there.

If you are a parent who has a kiddie pool in your yard, be sure to talk about the pool with your children.  You may be surprised how early your children can understand and follow your rules.  All toddlers and preschoolers need to know the dangers of water and the importance of supervision.  Make it known that if your child wants to go swimming, they need to ask.

Due to their size and the limited amount of water, these small pools are popular among parents with newborns, toddlers, and preschoolers.  They, however, arent the only buyers.  Are you a renter who wants place to cool off, but cant install a full-fledge aboveground pool?  Are you limited on space?  Even if you dont have small children in your home, it is important to practice pool safety.  If you are a renter, are there other children in the building or in the surrounding area?  If so, keep a watchful eye on your pool.  Discuss the use of your pool, which you should prohibit, with children and their parents.

One safety step that is recommended for aboveground and inground pools is the installation of a fence.  Most states have requirements, but your kiddie pool may be exempt from these requirements.  Often times, 24 inches of water or more is needed before a fence is required.  That doesnt mean that you cant set up a temporary fence. 

A great alterative to outfitting your small pool with a fence is to empty the water from it.  Yes, this can be a time consuming process, but it may provide you with comfort and peace of mind, especially if you are a parent.  The good news is that kiddie pools dont take much time to fill back up.

If you are a parent, it is advised that you keep your pool away from other outdoor toys.  If your child were to sneak outdoors, chances are they will go straight to their toys.  Dont let your pool be found within them.  Many children may find it too tempting to not walk or jump right in.

Aside from accidental drowning, there is another concern that is often associated with kiddie pools.  That concern is unsanitary water.  Kiddie pools do not come equipped with water pumps and filtration systems.  This means that there is a high risk for contaminated water.  As previously stated, emptying the pool regularly can help to reduce accidental drowning, but it can also help to keep the water clean and safe.

In keeping with contaminated water, empty and clean the pool whenever you notice cloudy water or notice slippery sides.  When doing so, there are a number of chemicals that you can use, such as bleach that is safely diluted.  If chemicals are used, the pool should be thoroughly rinsed and then rinsed again, just to be on the safe side.  A pool brush can also be used on a kiddie pool.

In addition to traditional pools for children, it is also important to examine combination pools.  These products have a slip and slide like surface that leads to a shallow pool.  As fun as these can be, they pose numerous safety risks.  For that reason, the above mentioned steps should also be implemented.

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