Making Musical Instruments
Spend a summer day making musical instruments with the children it is lots of noisy fun. Once everyone is equipped with their homemade instrument go on parade through your neighborhood to show off you new marching band.
Make a tambourine with two paper plates and something that makes noise to go between them.  You can use beans, rice, or small bells from a craft store.  Use staples to keep the two plates together with the noise makers inside.  Have the child decorate the outside and hang long streamers from the edges.
You can make a drum with a large empty cereal box.  Punch two holes in the sides of the cereal box and tie a piece of yarn to go around the childs neck.  Use two pencils or wooden dowels with corks or empty thread spools affixed to the ends for drum sticks.
Use a wrapping paper or paper towel cardboard tube to make a horn.  This can be used just as is and some decoration.  To make it sound more interesting, cover one end with was paper and keep it in place with a rubber band.  Poke some holes along the tube and make noise through the open end.
Use a shoebox, a paper towel roll and some strong rubber bands to make a guitar to take on the road.  With the cover off of the box, put the rubber bands around the box.  The bands should be stretched but not too taught that they cant be plucked or strummed like a guitar.  Glue the paper towel roll to one end of the box to be the arm of the guitar.
After everyone has made their musical instruments let them jam for awhile and then march about sharing their music with everyone.  You can carry the baton and be the band leader.
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