Summer activities


Summer Learning

Summer time is a break for children from lessons, homework and the everyday structure that school provides.  But if you let the children stray too much from this routine during their summer break it can make the transition to school harder in the fall.

You do not have to make the children sit down every day to learn a lesson but you can include summertime activities that are fun and are centered on learning.  You can purchase workbooks for children that are meant to be preparatory for the next grade level at school and they are a great stepping stone.  But you can have a conversation with the childs teacher at the end of the school year to determine what they need to work on and choose some activities that will help develop those skills.

For young children entering kindergarten count and name everything around you.  Read and spell out street signs to help with letter recognition.  Independence is the most important skill you can teach children entering school for the first time.  Encourage them to clean up after themselves and put on their own coat and shoes just like they will at school.

For older children, use little chores or errands and learning tools.  Have your child write down your grocery list as you go through the cupboards.  Have them pay for things with their own money or figure out how much money they need to save for a special item.

School is a big part of a childs life and you want them to be successful.  Remember that taking a break is part of that so dont overwhelm them with learning in the summer.  But dont let them forget the important skills that they worked hard to learn the year before. Continued reading through the summer is the best preparation.

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