
Timeless Running Games – Part 2
Some running games are best done in teams of four or more children per team.  These are great activities for a summer birthday party of if a large group is meeting up at a local park.  These games involve all of the children and no one is going to feel left out.
Red Rover is a game made up of two teams with equal numbers on both sides.  The two teams face each other in a line holding hands with their team members space about 20 feet apart.  The first team calls over to the other team, Red rover, red rover, we call childs name over.  Once a childs name is called, they run towards the other team trying to break the link of two children holding hands.  If the running child is successful and is able to run through he or she gets to return to their team.  If the running child is unsuccessful and cant break through the held hands, they then join that team.  This continues back and forth until there is only one team left or a halt is called to the game.
Soccer is always popular and everyone knows the basic rules.  If there are no nets, make some with either rocks, natural posts such as trees or use outdoor toys.  The same idea can apply to football, dont worry if you dont have the right kind of ball anyone will do kids have great imaginations.
Or run just for the sake of running by having a relay race.  You can use sticks as the batons or get more creative.  Have the kids say silly word or a joke as the pass-off instead of physically passing something back and forth.  Or it can be a getting to know you came, each kid has to tell their partner something about themselves for the pass-off.
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