Three Pillars Help Desk


IT Help Desk Customer Satisfaction Surveys

When it comes to achieving breakthrough improvements in corporate and IT effectiveness, IT help desk customer satisfaction surveys play an important role. There are plenty of reasons why such surveys should be conducted. For sure, they offer a wide array of benefits for your business.

What Kind Of Services Are Measured

Such surveys are used to measure different kinds of IT services, which may include IT employee satisfaction, project management office effectiveness, project effectiveness feedback, IT training for IT employees and customers, IT procurement, hardware repair, server operations, software development, and resolver applications maintenance support. Besides that IT help desk customer satisfaction surveys also measures the regular services, which include help desk support, break fix support, and desk side service and support. These surveys are also used to measure the install, move, add, and change support it is usually referred to as IMAC support.

Survey Metrics

Depending upon the type of IT help desk customer satisfaction surveys that are being conducted, the performance metrics may include some or all of the following.

Effectiveness of problem resolution
Communications effectiveness
Timeliness of problem resolution
Intranet uptime
Effectiveness of systems developed
Effectiveness of outsourced IT services
Follow-up required to ensure proper resolution
Effectiveness of IT help desk technicians and other staff, and many more.

Advantages Of Such Surveys

Following are some of the valuable advantages of such performance surveys.

These surveys can be used to substantially improve the IT performance. This way, it eventually enables the internal and external customers of IT help desk to increase their competitiveness, effectiveness, and performance.
You can also use these surveys to point out the opportunities and challenges.
You get a better idea regarding how to prioritize IT performance projects and initiatives.
The help desk services achieve some breakthrough improvements in different aspects, including problem resolution effectiveness, communications with customers, knowledge, courtesy, professionalism, timeliness, and so on.
The productivity and quality of the IT services are significantly increased.
IT costs are reduced to a great extent.
IT help desk customer satisfaction surveys help in establishing an effective communication system between IT customers and the help desk service providers.
Depending upon the customer and employee feedback, you can take better business decisions.
You can also use these surveys to get useful information regarding the challenges and opportunities associated with customer business unit, communication channel, site location, product, IT team, and agents.
Recurring problems can be easily identified and fixed.
Based on the customer feedback as described by IT help desk customer satisfaction surveys, you can enhance the quality of coaching accordingly.

Overall, when it comes to increasing company performance and competitiveness, such surveys can provide a strong payback.

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