

How to Travel with Food for the Holidays

Preparing food to share at the holiday festivities is a common practice in our society. However, you need to be able to travel with the food so that it will remain delicious when you arrive at your destination. Foods can move around causing them not to look as pretty when you arrive. You also dont want the food to tip over and get all over your vehicle. This can be extremely messy as well as be quite frustrating.

There are some wonderful containers out there that allow you to transport foods for the holidays without too much trouble. They are insulated containers that will keep the foods hot or cold. Many of them come with a covering that zips up around them like a suitcase. They even come with a handle. You should consider placing these items in a box so they wont have as much room to move around while you travel to your holiday destination.

You do need to be very careful about food spoiling when you transport it for the holidays. You definitely dont want to get anyone sick due to food poisoning. If it will be hot or you are traveling a long distance avoid foods such as potato salad with mayonnaise that can easily spoil quickly. Be prepared for delays too because the amount of people traveling on the roads over the holidays can result in the food being in your car for hours more than you had originally anticipated.

You can also place such items in a cooler with plenty of ice to keep them cold while you are traveling your holiday destination. Make sure you keep an eye on the amount of ice in the cooler and then refill it as necessary. If you are carrying breast milk for an infant along for the holiday travel you need to keep it cold in a cooler as well.

You may find it is much easier to ask the host of the holiday gathering if you can prepare the foods you want to contribute to the dinner upon your arrival. This way you can bring all the ingredients and prepare them without worrying about them moving around or spoiling. If you need some refrigerated items you can ask the host to pick them up for you and then pay them later. This is much easier than trying to fight your way into a packed grocery store around the holidays or finding them closed.

The downside to this is that you may be preparing foods in a kitchen you are unfamiliar with. The oven may bake at a different rate than yours so make sure you keep a close eye on baking times. You should also bring other clothing to change into once you have completed your kitchen duties. This way you dont have to worry about getting food on them that will make you self conscious as you sit down to visit with other guests.

Many people that travel for the holidays want to bring food to share with others. It can be your famous cheesecake or your moms recipe for sweet potatoes. Make sure you plan ahead to have all the equipment and utensils you will need to safely transport foods for the holidays. You are better off arriving empty handed than with food that has been in compromising conditions during the course of travel.

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