Planning a Flight around the Holidays
There is always a chance that your flight will get cancelled or delayed regardless of when you fly. However, the holidays are a very busy time for airports and you dont want to spend Christmas there instead of with your family. Be prepared for long lines at the check in desk and security. Even though you should be at the airport two hours before your plane takes off during normal travel times, you will want to increase that up to three hours when you travel around the holidays.
Try to keep the amount of items you bring along to a minimum. It will make checking in your baggage easier and prevent such items from being lost or damaged. If you are traveling for Christmas and you want to send gifts it is a good idea to mail them separately and they will be there when you arrive. If you do decide to pack them dont wrap them as they are subject to being inspected. You can wrap the gifts when you arrive at your destination.
Traveling around Thanksgiving or Christmas always comes with the risk of the weather being a problem so make sure you are prepared. Some travelers have had their flights delayed for a couple of days due to storms coming in during these times. It is a good idea to arrive at the airport prepared for the worst. Make sure you have plenty of activities with you for children to stay busy with. You also want to carry snacks and drinks so you dont have to pay the outrageous prices at the airport for these items.
If you have specific dates of travel in order to be spend the holidays away from home you will want to secure your travel arrangements early. Look for the best possible deals online and with a travel agent. If you want until the last minute though in hopes of prices dropping you may be disappointed that you wont get to go because the flights are sold out.
Many people save money on flights by taking connections or accepting a layover or two. You may want to skip this money saving tip during the holidays just because most airports will be very busy. You dont want to have to deal with hurrying across a busy airport terminal to find your connecting flight. If you can get a decent price on a direct flight then make sure you do so.
It is very important that you have all your travel documents and a printed copy of your travel itinerary. Most airline staff will be overwhelmed with people asking for assistance during this time of the year. You dont want to arrive and discover that you dont have a reservation after all and that there is not a space on the plane for you.
If you want to avoid the crowds during holiday travel, consider taking a very early morning flight or a late evening flight. You will find these are often less expensive as well. While it may interrupt your normal sleep patterns, it can help to reduce the amount of stress and anxiety while you are traveling during the holidays.
For those planning to fly with children around the holidays, make sure you keep a careful eye on them. They can quickly become separated from your family in the crowd of people moving around. Strollers are a good option for small children. Make sure all the adults in the party know which flight they are taking and the airline in case they get separated as well.
You can have a fabulous trip to visit your family and friends over the holidays if you are prepared. Paying attention to the guidelines of the airlines is very important to ensure you have a save trip. Being on time will help to ensure that you dont have your plans crushed because you have to catch a plane in the following days.
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