

Are you travelling along the slippery slope to your grave?

When it comes right down to it where ever you go is where you are, whatever you end up doing, that’s what you are doing, whatever you are thinking right now, that’s what’s on your mind, what has happened to you, has already happened.
The important part is how are you going to handle it?

In other words “NOW WHAT”. Like it or not this is all we have to work with.
At every moment of the day, we find ourselves at the crossroads of here and now. The reason we can often feel lost is because we momentarily lose touch with ourselves and with the full extent of our possibilities. We fall into a robot like way of seeing, thinking and doing. In those moments, we are breaking the contact with our deepest inner self.

What we need to do is wake up to the way we do things. Waking up goes hand in hand, with what we might call “wisdom or spiritual enlightenment” which helps us to see more deeply into the cause and effect, the interconnectedness of things.

By seeing and understanding your inner self and trying to change your life for the better does not mean you are weird or becoming a religious zombie. It is simply being you and knowing something about yourself.

It helps to see the path we call life with its direction and meaning. You can easily remain on a slippery slope right into your grave if you do not do something about it.

We may never quite touch the fullness of our possibilities. Instead we lock ourselves into a personal fiction that we already know who we are, that we know where we are and where we are going, that we know what is happening, all the while remaining enshrouded in thoughts, fantasies and impulses about the past and the future. About what we want and like, what we fear and do not like. These thoughts spin out continuously, under veiling our direction and the very ground we standing on.

If what happens now does influence what happens next, then does it not make sense to look around from time to time, so you are more in touch with what is happening around now? You can then take your inner and outer bearings and perceive with clarity the path that you are actually on, the direction in which you are going.

You need to look inside yourself, only you can decide if you are happy and fulfilled and I mean “really happy and fulfilled” with the path you are on. If you are unsure then the chances are you wish to change something in your life. This could be a physical or mental change. By physical I mean you may wish to me healthier and would like to take up more exercise. You may wish to travel the world. By a mental change I mean a greater understanding of something that interests you, to educate your mind.

For example you may wish to travel more, see parts of the world that offer great wonders or different cultures. Unfortunately you do not earn enough money to do this.

If you were to educate yourself in your line of work, gain qualifications and advance your career path. You would then earn more money, which in turn would allow you to travel.
You see the choice is yours. You decide which path you wish to take.

The majority of people do not fore fill there full potential. They lack confidence and effort but most of all they do not believe in there own ability to change their life for the better.
Change your mindset. Believe in yourself and you will gain confidence. Put in the effort and you will reap the rewards both mentally and physically.

If you do this you will be in a better position to chart a course for yourself that is truer to your inner being. A soul path a path with a heart your path with a capital P.

About the Author

Lynn Claridge is a psychic medium. She specializes in self-development through meditation and the understanding of your inner-self. She has written a book “Understanding your Psychic Ability” and has a psychic website covering amongst other subjects, spiritualality, self-healing and personal development.

Written by: Lynn Claridge

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