How to travel on journey of life successfully?
Life, as I see it is not a location, but a journey. Everything is in flux, and is meant to be. Life flows. We may live at the same number of the street, but it is never the same man who lives there.You don't see many hearses with luggage racks on them. We're privileged to be here, so instead of just using God's resources, we should leave the place a little better than we found it-or at least leave it the same. Dividing moment is the moment that divides the past from the future. And this is the moment that you control. It's a powerful place to be. What you do right now will determine what you carry from your past into your future. You can choose to hold on to all the good, empowering things such as your knowledge, your positive relationships, your wisdom and experience. And you can choose to move beyond those things that have held you back, such as negative habits and low expectations. If you've dragged yourself down, if you've held yourself back, now is your opportunity to begin moving yourself forward. Now is the time when you can put all your past experience, whatever it has been, to positive and productive use. The past does not equal the future, and right now is the moment that proves it. Right now is a doorway through which you can carry those things that will bring a brighter future. See this moment for all it is, and live it fully for all you can be
About the Author
Ajay Pats is a professional manager working as sales manager.He runs inspirational ezine"Rediscover true colors of life" available at http://www.topica.com/lists/venturemall;a community for home based business entrepreneurs "Venturecon" available at http://groups.msn.com/venturecon and a real estate site "Real estate broker" available at http://realestatebroker.tripod.com
Written by: Ajay Pats
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