travelling with babies and kids


For The Kids - Club Med

Club Mediterranee--" Club Med" --is a chain of resorts based in France, based on the concept that the staff should make friends and freely associate with the guests.  Their Sandpiper location is two hours from either Orlando or Miami, and was designed to be the perfect " family friendly" Club Med location.The rooms are perfect for a family.  They are roomy and comfortable, with large closets and easy access to washer and dryer, and even a sitting area with sofa and chairs.

Sandpiper offers specific rooms and programs for each age group.  Infants, one year olds, two year olds, three, etc; each one has a room dedicated and a program suited to them.  There's even a " Baby Bottle Room," open 24 hours and stocked to handle any child's snack requests.For walkers up to two years old, there are activities like Bubbles Walk and Swing and Slide.  Two and three year olds are helped with Plaster Hands, Magic Show, and Discovery Walk.

Four to seven year olds can enjoy hat making, trampoline, and the Sandpiper 500, while eight to ten year olds get to start on rollerblading, waterskiing, and tubing (waterskiing on an inner tube).  And eleven to seventeen year olds can enjoy trapeze, golf, tennis, sailing and more; just check the activities list posted daily.Every week, the kids join in for a MiniClub stage show, complete with costumes and lighting.  And every evening, the kids hop into pedal cars for the nightly Sandpiper 500 race.

Oh, and there's stuff for the adults, too.  Tennis, trapeze, trampoline, waterskiing, Disco Yoga, sailing, and golf are all available.  There's also the Siesta Club, where Sandpiper staff will sit with kids from 8pm to 1am while the grownups get out of the hotel room.All in all, there aren't too many places more family-oriented than Club Med Sandpiper.

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