Video Marketing


A Few Video Marketing Mistakes That Have To Be Avoided

There are a few video marketing mistakes that have to be avoided in order to have a successful campaign. It is amazing that even expert marketers make simple mistakes that have proved to be costly!

Video Marketing Mistakes To Be Avoided

Listed below are a few of the most common video marketing mistakes that can be avoided by those who wish to use video marketing strategy to promote their business online.

The first mistake is creating and using a video without researching the target market and its likes and dislikes.
People often make the mistake of using a video that is too long. The videos have to be under a couple of minutes and most successful videos have been under 30 seconds in length.
Many people make another of the most common video marketing mistakes, using a boring video that is vague without any definite message. Make sure that your video is interesting, concise and gets to the point within a matter of seconds. Use graphics, sound effects and music to keep the video interesting.
Most often people do not include their websites name or their brand name in the video. People love it but have no sufficient information to follow through as some videos do not also provide links to the website. Some videos contain all the information and visitors do not find anything new when they browse through the website.
Some just create a single video and expect to get results. Use a variety of videos and make sure you distribute the video to various sources.
One of the video marketing mistakes that many are unaware of is that you can search engine optimize your videos as well as social media optimize it. Not naming your video is also a mistake.
Some people do not offer viewers a choice of format to view the video, instead make sure viewers can view the video using Windows Media Player, QuickTime and Real formats. Apart from that ensure that the message is displayed in text format in the video in case there is audio trouble.
Failing to give viewers a chance to interact is another of the video marketing mistakes that has to be avoided. Offer them a chance to post their opinions, conduct polls or offer them a free subscription to your newsletter.
Failing to analyze how successful your video marketing strategy was is another bad mistake. It will help you identify areas that need improvement and give you a clear idea what your target market likes.

These are just a few of the video marketing mistakes that can be avoided while planning and executing your video marketing campaign. If you plan your strategy carefully by considering each aspect, your video marketing strategy will be hugely successful in driving targeted traffic to your website, thereby improving your RIO considerably, perhaps even beyond expectations.

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