Video Sites


Making Your Own Google Videos

How you would like to make your own homemade movies?  If you would, how would you feel if you could easily share those videos with the rest of the world?  Thanks to online video websites, you can.  If you are interested in creating your own video, on just about whatever you want, and share it with other internet users you can, by using Google Video.

Google Video is one of the most popular online video websites, along with YouTube. Google Video is an online video website that is most commonly known for its wide selection of available videos. These videos commonly include popular television shows, sports recaps, celebrity interviews, music videos, and homemade movies.  When most internet users arrive at Google Videos main page, they are there to find online movies to watch. Google is the place that many internet users go because they can not only watch free videos, but they also buy popular videos, often for less than two dollars.

Although a large number of internet users visit Google Video to watch fun videos, not everyone does. A large number of individuals head to Google Videos online website to look for more information on the features that allows them to make, upload, and share their own videos.  If you are one of those individuals, you can easily learn more by visiting That link should bring you directly to Google Videos main page.  Once at the main page, you will find information on how to make and upload your own homemade video.

One problem that you may notice with Google Video is that there are times when you cannot upload your videos, often due to site maintenance.  This is something that is usually only temporary; therefore, you shouldnt be alarmed if you are not able to load and share your own videos with other internet users. The best thing that you can do is what until the feature becomes available again.  In the mean time, you may want to upload your movie to another online video website, such as YouTube. Although, it is important to note that Google Video is a great place to share your video with the rest of the world. For that reason, you may want to regularly check back to see if and when you can begin to upload your movie.

To upload a movie to Google Video, as well as most other online video websites, you will need to first make a movie. There are a number of different things that you can use to do this.  Perhaps, the best recording device to use is a camcorder.  Camcorders are great because you should be able to make a video just about anywhere you want and at any time.  If you are unable to use a camcorder, you should also be able to use your webcam; however, you may be required to stay around your computer area. Many cell phones and digital cameras have video recording capabilities; however, the recordings tend to be short and without sound. 

Whether you make the decision to use your cell phone, digital camera, webcam, or camcorder, you will need to load your video onto your computer.  Once this is done, it is likely that it will be recognized by a moving making software program.  Most computers come equipped with these software programs; therefore, should not have to install any new programs on your computer.  If your video is fine the way that it is, you will want to save it.  If you want to edit your video, you should be able to, depending on the type of moving making software program your computer has. When saving your movies, you should save them as one of the most common movie formats. These formats commonly include .MPG, .AVI, .MOV.

As previously mentioned, you will want to visit Google Videos main webpage to learning more information about making, uploading and sharing your videos.  You can do this by visiting

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