Viral Marketing


Your Viral Marketing E-Book – An Essential Weapon In Your Arsenal

If you are considering viral marketing seriously, and I really hope you are, youve got to take an e-book very earnestly. You can derive great advertising mileage from a well written e-book. The reverse may also be true, so you need to manage the quality of the e-book with care.

Reasons For The Effectiveness Of An E-Book

Why is an e-book effective? To begin with, it allows you to project your business as a leader in the field. If you have put together a great document, your readers will feel confident of what you say and will be inclined to try your product as well. It is not necessary that you write the e-book yourself. You can hire a subject matter expert to do it for you. What is important is the fact that a reader gets convinced that you know the job.

You can include images, sound files and video in the e-book so that the reader can understand the subject with absolute clarity. This will then convince the reader that you know what you are talking about and a product made by you will be up to scratch.

Another advantage of an e-book is the fact that you can put in written testimonials in it. If you have a number of satisfied users who are willing to write a few good words about your product, include their letters in a relevant portion of your e-book. If one of them happens to be a prominent citizen, nothing could be better since the persons credibility will add to yours.

Ebook For Others

How do you make your e-book available to a large number of people? There are a number of methods you can follow. The first is a simple download from your web site. Tell the readers of your e-book that they can make copies and pass those to as many people they wish and in return, ask for just a simple e-mail response which should be in the form of a simple checklist where the reader can select his choice and maybe write a few words.

This has a number of benefits. You can get an idea of how many people are reading your book and from the comments they offer, you may even improve the book and your product. This is no small advantage. Of course only about 20% of the people who take copies of the e-book will respond, so you need to factor this into your calculations.

Encourage your readers to use this book in any way they want. They can bundle it with other books, mail them to others and post it on their own sites as a download or anything else. You are after all interested in your book spreading like a virus.

Properly handled, a good e-book is a great viral marketing tool. You will be amazed as to where it spreads and how far it goes. Your day will be made the day someone forwards your own e-book to you as a recommended great read!

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