
What Is Web 2.0 – You Don’t Have To Be An Expert To Understand And Use It
What is Web 2.0? This question comes to the mind of most people who are fairly conversant with computer and Internet technology. Amusingly enough, many of them are already using this concept in their routine lives. The only thing is that they are not cognizant of the transition, i.e., changeover in the way they use the Internet services. There is another class of people, mostly experts in the field, who simply refuse to accept this new term. We will not delve into how justified they are in rebuffing it or how important it is to term the new trend. Let us begin by finding an answer to the primary question what is web 2.0?
You Almost Know It Already
What is Web 2.0? What does it signify? Well, it is more like a set of habits that you form over the years without identifying them. Then, one day, out of the blue, somebody points them out to you and even names them. You find it hard to accept that you have lived with them for such a long time without actually being conscious of them. There are no precise boundaries that can be used to define Web 2.0. However, they can at best be described as a set of Internet services (websites) that are conceptualized, woven and developed around the concept of active participation of users or sharing. The degree of participation / sharing varies from one website to another. There are some websites that are limited to accepting comments and rankings from the browsers, while others invite people to comment, edit and even contribute content.
If the above description has generated confusion in your mind, it will be instantly cleared when you go through the following matter. Here are examples of some websites that are widely used and you too might be using them. If you are working with any of these, you are already into Web 2.0.
What Is Web 2.0 The Illustrations
The most popular social networking sites are MySpace and Facebook. However, there are hundreds of websites that invite browsers to post comments or to host their own websites. If you have visited and written a comment on any of these sites, you have used a Web 2.0 website. Any businessperson or entrepreneur, who has created pages on sites like Bizpreneur and Bizzyblogs, has made use of the Web 2.0 service to augment his or her business. Also, any of you who browse through the thousands of blogs available on Internet use web 2.0 to gain knowledge of peoples opinions on various issues and also to voice your own. If millions of hits registered at popular blogs are anything to go by, people have developed a taste / preference for web 2.0 based websites. And, why not? After all, our society thrives on communication. We, as humans, love to interact with each other, especially by transcending cultural barriers. Blogs provide us with this opportunity in abundance.
So, heres the answer that you were looking for. By now, you must have got an idea about the meaning of Web 2.0. You have been experiencing it, having fun using it, enhancing your knowledge about the world with it and also benefiting from it to further your business prospects. And the most important thing is that now you can call it by a name.
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