What Makes America Great


America’s Courageous Soldiers

Throughout the decades of Americas history, those brave young men and women who have served valiantly in Americas armed forces have proven time and time again to be the most courageous military of all time.  The kind of valor that these amazing young people have demonstrated in battlefields all across the globe is truly inspiring.

One of the reasons that America is the great country it is comes from the fact that she also has one of the most powerful and dependable armies on the planet.  Those armies, which includes the US Army, the U.S. Marine Corps, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard and the National Guard, continue to show a spirit of service and a willingness to go into battles that are tremendously difficult and dangerous in the name of honor and to serve the country they love.

In World War II, our brave military was willing to attack in the face of overwhelming odds and a powerful enemy knowing that the stakes were high.  And yet they went on the offense in the amazing battles such as D-Day because they knew that if they were going to stop such enemies as Nazi Germany, it was up to them to go in there, gun in hand and put a stop to a great evil.  Tens of thousands of Americas finest lost their lives to put tyranny to an end.  And we are all eternally grateful for the sacrifice they made to assure that the country they love will continue to live in freedom and that tyranny will never prevail.

Even in the difficult military situations such as Korea and Vietnam, America saw her youth serve with valor and courage against a confusing and ruthless enemy.  And even as they saw those wars become unpopular and as they faced distain when they returned from battle, often with injuries that would limit their lives forever, those soldiers gave all they had to stop an enemy determined to impose tyranny on their neighbors by force. 

Even today as our military fights a long and difficult battle on foreign shores, our courageous soldiers show the commitment to their values as Americans and the same determined obedience to their good commanders to stop a sly and deadly enemy determined to stop freedom before it can get a chance to grow.  And however todays wars turn out, whether they achieve their goals or not, one thing is for sure.  The American soldier will be there, doing whatever is needed to protect America and serve her interests.  And when America calls, our courageous soldiers will be there to respond, as they always have in the past and they always will in the future.

If you ever get a chance to visit Washington D.C. and tour the Arlington cemetery, you will be deeply inspired as you walk those grave sites and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice our courageous soldiers were willing to give so that you and I could live in safety and freedom.  To sit in quiet reverence as the honor guard gives respect at the tomb of the unknown solider gives one much to reflect upon about the heart of the humble soldier willing to give it all, with no reward except to know they are serving the country they love.  The unknown soldier never became a hero to his family and loved ones and this is a silent tribute to the military men and women who do not serve for metals or thank yous or fame.  They serve out of honor and the values that reside in them because they are Americans.

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