What Seniors Should Know


The Joys Of Life As A Senior Hobbies

It is a sad fact that working in order to live your life the way that you want to leaves very little time for doing the very things that we work so hard for. The pace of modern day life dictates that the majority of people that do work have very little social time, regardless of how they choose to spend it. Long and unsociable hours mean that very few people can enjoy themselves whilst they are still young, so logic dictates that seniors should make up for lost time and live every moment as if it were their last. Do the things you always wanted to do when you were younger and accept new hobbies into your life. Retirement provides the necessary time to spend the fruits of your labour, so choosing not o do so would defeat the object of all of those years spent in an office.

Most seniors do have hobbies and use them to pass the time wisely. Society perceives senior hobbies as traditional old people things to do, such as bowls, knitting, doing jigsaw puzzles and gardening. Whilst all of these pastimes are relaxing and constructively use your time, you should not be limited to participating in these kinds of hobbies. Making the most of time is all about doing something that you always wanted to, and age should not put you off that. Even if you only try something once, the experience can significantly enhance your life.

It is completely up to you as an individual as to whether you decide to pursue the traditional if stereotypical hobbies or begin to try new things in the hope that you will find a new hobby somewhere down the road. Whichever way you choose to go, as long as you are happy then it really doesn't matter what other people think. However, trying something out of the ordinary may give you an unparalleled sense of achievement and freedom.

For example, there has been a story running in local and national newspapers about the Granny Bikers. The youngest member of this particular club is in her early seventies, and the oldest in her early nineties, but all of them go out a couple of times a week on their motorbikes. The motorbikes they ride are not just any old bikes; they are Harley Davisons, Yamahas, Suzukis and Hondas. They thoroughly enjoy riding out together, the wind in their hair, because it gives them a sense of freedom. They enjoy every aspect of their lives and, although they flaunt their mortality, they are living every moment to the full.

I am not saying that seniors should hop on the nearest motorbike, but I am saying that you should take a leaf out of their books! They are doing something that they fully enjoy a couple of times a week, and it is something that very few of them actually did before they retired.

If you wish to try a new activity then check out the groups and clubs in your area. There will usually be community listings that can inform you of the nature and meeting times of various activities. If you do a little research, you can often decide whether you like the sound of it or not. You are under no obligation to any club or hobby so trying something new would not do any harm, but it may just give you a new lease of life!

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