Women in Business


History of Women in Business

The history of women in business can be said to have its real starting point during World War I when the government began to focus on discovering and using the skills of women throughout the US. The early history of women in business began with the establishment of the Women's War Council by the War Department, to organize the resources of professional women.

The history of women in business came into sharper focus with the establishment of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs in July of 1919.  Important to the history of women in business, this group focused on the concepts of equal pay for women and eliminating discrimination in employment.

The National Federation of Business and Professional Women's club, referred to as BPW, continued to grow and continue to focus on women's issues in the history of women in business. During the 1920's as the history of women in business progressed, the BPW organization toured Europe to bring its European sisters into the fold and continue to make history for women in business.  The next step in the history of women in business was the founding of an International BPW club.

A major milestone in the history of women in business occurred in 1920 when the 19th Amendment gave women the power of the vote. They could now use this power to lobby and vote for candidates who supported women's rights and advancement..

World War II was an event that called upon the skills and strengths of women to further the war effort, when the history of women in business saw another leap forward as women moved into many men's jobs as the men went to war.

Since the mid 20th century, women have made great strides in terrms of power and incomes as the history of women in business continues.  Although they are still far from fully equal to men in management and salary levels, they are far ahead of their sisters of past decades in the history of women in business..  Today the roster of corporate and institutional CEOs and Presidents includes a good number of women as the history of women in business evolves. For the first time in recent years the history of women in business includes success stories of women achieving global power in many arenas as a result of their capabilities and drive.

The history of women in business includes many success stories of women entrepreneurs as well as those who have proven themselves in other companies or in government. Today there are over 10 million women-owned business in the US and the number includes a large number of minority women, including black women, Hispanic women and Asian women.  This is an important aspect of the history of women in business: opportunity exists for all women.

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